DCPU-16 Specification

Special Opcodes

Special opcodes always have their lower five bits unset, have one value and a five bit opcode. In binary, they have the format: aaaaaaooooo00000 The value (a) is in the same six bit format as defined earlier.

Special opcodes: (5 bits)

- 0x00 n/a reserved for future expansion
3 0x01 JSR a pushes the address of the next instruction to the stack,
then sets PC to a
- 0x02 -
- 0x03 -
- 0x04 -
- 0x05 -
- 0x06 -
- 0x07 -
4 0x08 INT a triggers a software interrupt with message a
1 0x09 IAG a sets a to IA
1 0x0a IAS a sets IA to a
3 0x0b RFI a disables interrupt queueing, pops A from the stack, then
pops PC from the stack
2 0x0c IAQ a if a is nonzero, interrupts will be added to the queue
instead of triggered. if a is zero, interrupts will be
triggered as normal again
- 0x0d -
- 0x0e -
- 0x0f -
2 0x10 HWN a sets a to number of connected hardware devices
4 0x11 HWQ a sets A, B, C, X, Y registers to information about hardware a
A+(B<<16) is a 32 bit word identifying the hardware id
C is the hardware version
X+(Y<<16) is a 32 bit word identifying the manufacturer
4+ 0x12 HWI a sends an interrupt to hardware a
- 0x13 -
- 0x14 -
- 0x15 -
- 0x16 -
- 0x17 -
- 0x18 -
- 0x19 -
- 0x1a -
- 0x1b -
- 0x1c -
- 0x1d -
- 0x1e -
- 0x1f -