DCPU-16 Specification

Basic Opcodes

(5 bits)
- 0x00 n/a special instruction - next page
1 0x01 SET b, a sets b to a
2 0x02 ADD b, a sets b to b+a, sets EX to 0x0001 if there's an overflow,
0x0 otherwise
2 0x03 SUB b, a sets b to b-a, sets EX to 0xffff if there's an underflow,
0x0 otherwise
2 0x04 MUL b, a sets b to b*a, sets EX to ((b*a)>>16)&0xffff (treats b,
a as unsigned)
2 0x05 MLI b, a like MUL, but treat b, a as signed
3 0x06 DIV b, a sets b to b/a, sets EX to ((b<<16)/a)&0xffff. if a==0,
sets b and EX to 0 instead. (treats b, a as unsigned)
3 0x07 DVI b, a like DIV, but treat b, a as signed. Rounds towards 0
3 0x08 MOD b, a sets b to b%a. if a==0, sets b to 0 instead.
3 0x09 MDI b, a like MOD, but treat b, a as signed. (MDI -7, 16 == -7)
1 0x0a AND b, a sets b to b&a
1 0x0b BOR b, a sets b to b a
1 0x0c XOR b, a sets b to b^a
1 0x0d SHR b, a sets b to b>>>a, sets EX to ((b<<16)>>a)&0xffff
(logical shift)
1 0x0e ASR b, a sets b to b>>a, sets EX to ((b<<16)>>>a)&0xffff
(arithmetic shift) (treats b as signed)
1 0x0f SHL b, a sets b to b<>16)&0xffff
2+ 0x10 IFB b, a performs next instruction only if (b&a)!=0
2+ 0x11 IFC b, a performs next instruction only if (b&a)==0
2+ 0x12 IFE b, a performs next instruction only if b==a
2+ 0x13 IFN b, a performs next instruction only if b!=a
2+ 0x14 IFG b, a performs next instruction only if b>a
2+ 0x15 IFA b, a performs next instruction only if b>a (signed)
2+ 0x16 IFL b, a performs next instruction only if b<a
2+ 0x17 IFU b, a performs next instruction only if b<a (signed)
- 0x18 -
- 0x19 -
3 0x1a ADX b, a sets b to b+a+EX, sets EX to 0x0001 if there is an over-
flow, 0x0 otherwise
3 0x1b SBX b, a sets b to b-a+EX, sets EX to 0xFFFF if there is an under-
flow, 0x0001 if there's an overflow, 0x0 otherwise
- 0x1c -
- 0x1d -
2 0x1e STI b, a sets b to a, then increases I and J by 1
2 0x1f STD b, a sets b to a, then decreases I and J by 1
  • The conditional opcodes take one cycle longer to perform if the test fails. When they skip a conditional instruction, they will skip an additional instruction at the cost of one extra cycle. This continues until a non- conditional instruction has been skipped. This lets you easily chain conditionals. Interrupts are not triggered while the DCPU-16 is skipping.

  • Signed numbers are represented using two's complement.